James River Valley Paintball
and Dakota Lasertag
For more information - Please call or text us now at 605-228-0532 or email us at info@jrvp.com
11 acres of the best in paintball in the region.
The equipment and experience to keep your special event memorable.
Contact us for more information!!
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These are just a few of our typical special events that we have had the privelege of hosting for paintball or lasertag.
Whether is at our faciltiy or yours, we can provide the best equipment and experience to make your day a memorable one.
Frequently Asked questions:
Is Paintball Safe?
Statistically, According to Insurance Industry standards, Paintball is safer than Golf, Bowling, badminton. The bad news heard on TV or news media are almost always due to individuals using their own equipment, either at home or in a car, that are not under supervision by trained paintball field owners, but rather out using the equipment improperly. The same could be said for other equipment like baseball bats or golf clubs.
Does it hurt?
Not any more than a rubber band snapping your wrist. It is very typical that after the first game, many first timers take off some of the safety equipment like back and chest protectors because of understanding what is involved and have no fear.
Can I bring my own paint?
Private session players or any Player using JRVP safety or Rental equipment must use paintballs purchased on the JRVP field. No exceptions, don't even ask. We have to clean up after game day and refuse to purchase crap paint. If you had leftover paint purchased at JRVP or Paintballgods, You are welcome to finish it off as long it is not over 6 months old and You can use on either field. JRVP reserves the right to inspect any and all guns to ensure compliance.
How many games will we play?
There are several factors in knowing how many games will be played, the number of players, the number of new timers, the time of day, weather, but if we had to make a guess, I will say from 5-10 games with varying game times of each game.
Since the games are held outdoors, Are there bugs? Bathrooms? Shelter?
Yes there are bugs, JRVP does spray a food quality pesticide that significantly reduces the bugs, but there are no guarantees of not getting bit, or stung by insects that are typically found outdoors. Has it every happened? Yes, ticks and mosquitoes are controlled with the pesticide, but we cannot guarantee you wont go home with a few. Rule of thumb, always check yourself when you get home. We do take your safety and comfort seriously, so we do fog and spray for bugs, all year long.Bathrooms - We do provide Porta Potty's for your convenience Shelter - Yes a covered 14 x 40 shelter and a 14 x 24 field house on the field.
How do we get there?
The address is 39285 148th St. Mellette, SD 57461
From Aberdeen, SD - Drive 14 miles south on hiway 281, take a left (east) 7 miles from the Mansfield exit. The big yellow sign is visible from the road, take the path 3/4 mile north, stay on the right side when road splits. You will see the field house and shelter. (click here for maps) Yes the location is remote, and yes We do have portable private bathrooms available to our guests for their comfort.
What happens when I am hit?
Every game is different, the referees and staff will explain each game, there can be as many games as your imagination creates, so trying to explain each game here is not reasonable. However, typically, most of the games we play have either one life or a single resurrection that if you get hit and it is verified, you go to your base and tag back in and engage your opponent again, until your next verified hit, at that point you would proceed to a safe zone identified by the staff. Do not be afraid of asking the staff about the rules and objectives of the game if you did not hear it. We are here for your safety and fun.
When should we get there to play?
Players should arrive 30 minutes before game play to get get all the supplies, waivers and registration completed before game starts.Private session players should arrive on time and having your waivers completed ahead of time is requested. Paintball safety equipment like gloves and chest protectors goes fast so they are first come first serve.
Can others watch the games?
JRVP does have a safety zone where spectators can sit inside a small netted area that is safe for spectators to view the games. Small children should not be left alone, and seats are available to sit and watch the games. There is travel in between games to the field house and the game area, so spectators should expect to dress in work attire just like the players.
How long do games last?
Depending on the games played and the number of players, anywhere from 1 minute to 90 minutes. Typical games last approx 15 minutes. Ask the JRVP personnel when you arrive at the field for more info on what was prepared for your day.Are there rules I should know about? All games are run by trained and experienced referees and personnel. We have been safety certified to run games on and off our field. The referees will be doing a safety briefing before all game play and players are expected to follow the rules and the referees directions. Liability waivers are mandatory for all players and spectators and any person under the age of 18 years must have a parent or guardian sign the waivers as well as the player before any play will begin.
What ages are allowed to play?
Players can be from 10 years old to 90 years old. Anyone under 18 must have a JRVP release of liability form signed by parent/guardian over 18.
Are reservations and deposits required?
Private games require reservations at least 2 days ahead of game day. Large Private games may require more time for supplies and field preparations or travel $100 deposits are required to reserve all private games and corporate games and will be credited back the day of the game. Cancellations must be made 2 days in advance to refund any or all of the $100 deposits and are at JRVP discretion. All communications should either be in email or phone call forms, on how to contact us.
Private session Game Day Cancellations made my JRVP management due to inclement weather or any other reason and the deposits will be returned. Arrangements for an alternate game can be made if the schedules can be worked out.
Can I bring my own equipment?
Yes you can, but understand that we will not wait for you to fix your marker before we play. Many times we get asked if we can provide services during either tournaments or private games and we cannot since we are responsible for running the event. There may be times we can and you should always ask the staff, there may be a break in which we can quickly diagnose and possibly repair your marker. We can always do it outside the game day. Our equipment is regularly maintained and always ready, so bringing your own, is allowed, but not always recommended. We deduct $5 per player that does use their own equipment.
What should I wear?
Sturdy work clothes that you do not mind getting dirty, sturdy boots or shoes that you do not mind getting dirty, Leather gloves that fit well, several layers of abdomen clothing, not pants, that can be taken off throughout the day is recommended, a baseball cap to turn backwards, any of your own medication, sport drinks, candy bars for quick energy.
Can we bring Food?
If you need electricity, we can provide a limited supply, No refrigerator is available, but a field house is setup for crock pots, coolers with ice, we can supply propane grills if requested, and even arrange for catering if requested. JRVP typically provides ice water at not cost.